How do I enroll in YRMC CareConnect?
You can also enroll when you visit a provider at any YRMC PhysicianCare medical clinic or register for care at Yavapai Regional Medical Center in Prescott or Prescott Valley. You will be asked four simple questions: Are you interested in enrolling in YRMC CareConnect?
How do I access my YRMC hospital health record?
Access your YRMC hospital health record from anywhere you have Internet connectivity Print elements of your YRMC hospital health record to share with your physician or care team Please Note: If you are a patient of YRMC PhysicianCare and wish to access your medical records, please go to the PhysicianCare Patient Portal.
How do I contact Yuma Regional Medical Center?
Yuma Regional Medical Center | Contact No. - 928-344-2000 ©2022 Copyright . Yuma Regional Medical Center - All Rights Reserved.
Why choose YRMC primary care foothills?
Yuma Regional Medical Center Primary Care Foothills is now open and welcoming friends of all ages. The da Vinci Xi Surgical System truly represents a new era for Surgical Services and quality care at YRMC. After being diagnosed with cancer, Lisbia knew she wanted to receive her treatments in Yuma, close to home, close to her army of supporters.
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How to reset YRMC password?
Resetting your password is simple. Just visit the log-in page for YRMC CareConnect and select the link “Forgot Your Password.”. Then follow the instructions to reset your password. If you continue to have trouble logging in, call 1-877-621-8014.
How old do you have to be to enroll in YRMC CareConnect?
Parents and legal guardians can also enroll to create accounts in YRMC CareConnect for each child up to 12 years of age. When the child reaches 12 years of age, the account will be discontinued. If at any time you require technical assistance for YRMC CareConnect, please call 1-877-621-8014.
How to reset YRMC password?
Resetting your personal password is easy. Just visit the YRMC CareConnect sign-in page and click the link for “Forgot Your Password.”. Then follow the instructions to reset your password. If you are still having trouble signing into the site, call 1-877-621-8014 for assistance.
How to contact YMC CareConnect?
If at any time you require technical assistance for YRMC CareConnect, please call 1-877-621-8014. Please note that some older Internet browsers may not function properly with YRMC CareConnect. If you do experience compatibility issues, you may need to upgrade your browser.
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