How do I log in to workforcehub?
The WorkforceHub web portal is accessible from any browser using a company-specific web address provided by your HR manager. Bookmarking this address on your browser is strongly recommended. If the login page displays options for Secure Send and Sign In, select Sign In. You may be able to access WorkforceHub through your payroll/HR portal.
What is workforcehub payroll services?
WorkforceHub payroll services allow you to make payroll happen in just a few simple clicks each pay period. Errors in payroll can be a time-drain and complicated to adjust.
How does workforcehub timekeeping work?
WorkforceHub timekeeping captures employee punches with a hardware time clock or webclock. As employees work their shifts, WorkforceHub tracks hours, PTO, overtime and meals/breaks. At the end of the pay period, import hours data directly from WorkforceHub into the payroll system of your choice.

What is workforcehub?
WorkforceHUB provides your employees and managers the type of web-based platform they are familiar with. In 2019, your employees already use high-functioning software. It would actually take longer to teach them how to use outdated processes.
What is an employee portal?
An employee HR portal is an interface through which employees perform HR-related tasks. It is an integrated suite of tools that includes time and attendance, scheduling, payroll information, benefits enrollment, onboarding and much more. When you are researching employee HR portals, you can read product descriptions and user reviews.
Can employees get answers to their questions?
Employees can immediately get answers to their questions. They start their shift ready to focus after tying up any loose ends. All employees can benefit from answers provided in response to one employee’s question.
How to access WorkforceHub?
WorkforceHUB is accessible from any browser using your email and password. If the login page displays options for Secure Send and Sign In, select Sign In. If you don't have the web address for your company's WorkforceHUB site, check with your HR administrator; they should be able to provide it to you. Bookmarking it on your browser is strongly ...
Can you log into WorkforceHub if you have never logged in?
Employees that have never logged into WorkforceHUB, perhaps because their company just started using WorkforceHUB, often must activate their account before they can log into WorkforceHUB. Look for an email from your HR administrator containing a link to get you started.
3 Easy Ways to Reduce Labor Costs With Automated Workforce Management
Want to lower labor costs? WorkforceHub is Swipeclock’s all-in-one HR system tailored to small business. Even though WorkforceHub is very affordable, some employers still aren’t convinced that it’s worth it. They hang onto pen and paper time and attendance systems even though there are far better ways. This post is for employers who are using […]
How Can I Speed Up Payroll?
Have your clients integrated payroll and time and attendance? It’s easy and makes things a whole lot easier for employees, managers, and HR team. Today’s post is for your clients that have separate payroll and employee time and attendance systems. What’s the problem with separate payroll and time and attendance systems? If your systems are […]
WorkforceHub Simplifies Onboarding
The Power of Good Employee Onboarding Do your clients use a structured onboarding process? According Business News Daily, over one third of companies do not have a structured onboarding process. In fact, in many companies, onboarding consists of a short orientation meeting followed by reams of forms for the new hire to complete. Does this […]
Case Study: George T. Feles, CPA and the Swipeclock Vision Time Clock
Case Study: George T. Feles, CPA In our latest case study, we recognize superstars George T. Feles, CPA and the Vision facial recognition time clock. The dynamic duo is shaking things up on the Los Angeles restaurant scene. Though the Vision clock was introduced less than a year ago, the Feles team has already upgraded […]
Time Off Management With WorkforceHub
Let’s talk about time off management, because it has a big impact on your client’s company culture. Unfortunately, for many small businesses, poor PTO management creates a poor culture. This is because many U.S. employees feel like vacations are discouraged.
How Small Employers Can Prevent Employee Time Theft
As employers, your clients want to trust their employees. Without trust, they can’t accomplish much. But there are a couple of areas that provide an easy opportunity for employees to take advantage if managers aren’t watching closely. And it can cost a small business in higher payroll expenses. There is an Epidemic of Employee Time […]
Self-Service Workforce Management With WorkforceHub
Are your clients benefitting from self-service HR? People too young to remember the days before pay-at-the-pump gas stations, online banking, and airport check-in kiosks, probably can’t fully appreciate the advantages of self-service. Self-service workforce management can make life easier and more productive at any business.
WorkforceHUB Features
Timekeeping — Punch tracking, job costing, break enforcement, time-off requests, time card approvals, and accruals. Physical clock compatible. All TimeWorksPlus features included.
Managed Workflows
Easily build workflows for any common HR task. Automate processes that require acknowledgement or electronic signatures to ensure compliance.
Virtual File Cabinets
Go paperless and securely store important employee HR documents such as garnishment notices, disciplinary forms and more. Provide secure access to company policies, guides and handbooks.
Publish a company directory, important announcements, a team birthday list, and more. Create engaged employees and improve company culture through automated check-ins, a peer recognition system and an anonymous suggestion box.
HUB Apps
Enable integrated applications to customize your payroll and HR environment. The growing list of apps includes employee rewards, 401k management, paycheck advances and more to come.
Cloud-based time and attendance software with advanced features, flexible configuration and support for a wide range of hardware clocks and intelligent web-based software clocks.
Keep Your Business on Time and on Track
Toss your spreadsheets and hand calculators. Save time and aggravation with online time and attendance tools. See in real-time when and where work begins and ends.
Managing by walking around is not a timekeeping strategy
When employees are remote or assigned to multiple locations, they need a better way to log their time and attendance. Capture when and where employees start and stop work, and verify identity using intelligent time clocks and geofencing. Collect additional job-related data including tips, mileage, and project.
Comply with Time and Attendance Governing Rules
Nobody wants to be on the wrong side of the law. Stay on the right side by keeping accurate records of time data. Set timekeeping rules to ensure compliance with overtime, break, shift duration, leave, and other regulations set by agencies governing your business.
Connect Timecards to Payroll
Timecard approval is a snap when time data is instantly available. No need to calculate or enter data. Simply review, approve and send on for payroll processing. Accurate timecards ensure proper pay.
Time and Attendance
Automatically track time for onsite and remote employees, making it easy to review timecards, pay the proper wage and prove compliance.