How do I apply for a job with waste management?
It is important for current WM employees to use this as a gateway to apply for openings. It allows us to identify you as an employee of Waste Management. This path is only available to current WM employees. Former employees and individuals working on a contract assignment need to apply via the external job search engine.
How do I login to waste management Canada?
Please note, if you are a Canadian employee, then you need to enter the Employee ID along with the PIN number and then click on “Login.” If you are yet to join WM, you need to start registering yourself by clicking on “Register” on the online portal and creating a new account for yourself to be part of the Waste Management program.
What is waste management health and welfare benefits plan?
The Waste Management Health and Welfare Benefits Plan allows employees to choose from different levels and types of coverage. This allows each employee to put together a mix of benefits to meet their needs while receiving significant tax advantages by paying for benefits on a pre-tax basis (as allowed by law).
What is waste management doing to help its employees?
About 84 percent of employees participate in our savings plan. Another valuable program is our Employee Stock Purchase Plan, which provides employees an opportunity to buy shares of Waste Management common stock at a discount of 15 percent or more. We are particularly proud of our wellness programs.

What to Expect
By entering your employee ID and last name, as they appear on your paystub, you will have the ability to search and apply for professional and administrative/support job opportunities posted for WM employees. Please contact your local WM Recruiter to discuss hourly frontline opportunities such as becoming a driver, helper, laborer, technician, etc.
Available to Current WM Employees
It is important for current WM employees to use this as a gateway to apply for openings. It allows us to identify you as an employee of Waste Management. This path is only available to current WM employees. Former employees and individuals working on a contract assignment need to apply via the external job search engine.
What is WM in the environment?
Waste Management, or WM, is a popular enterprise responsible for the task of efficient and effective waste disposal with its unique ways and methods. The company is famous for coming up with innovative processes to dispose of the waste with the help of various high-tech machinery. These modern-day advanced machines lead to zero-emission of pollution in the environment. In addition to this, the company makes sure that the Methane gas that is emitted from the collected waste does not go unused. WM has installed various high-tech machines in its infrastructure that use the collected Methane gas to produce nearly 13,500 gallons of LNG (clean-burning fuel) a day. Today, the company holds the top ranking in the industry, responsible for converting a large amount of landfill gas into vehicle fuel.
What is WM service?
WM provides its doorstep services to both the residential and business sector. The team at WM takes the responsibility to collect waste from the doorstep of its customer. Once the trash is collected, they assort the same into various categories such as dry waste, wet waste, etc. and dispose of it accordingly.
Wellness Programs
We are particularly proud of our wellness programs. Our team of “Get Well Guides”— nurses, coaches, dietitians, clinicians and financial counselors — help employees and their families access the help they may need for a variety of life challenges.
Transition Assistance
Reorganization is a fact of life in a rapidly changing, dynamic business sector. WM provides transition assistance, including severance benefits and outplacement services, to eligible employees whose employment is terminated in connection with a reorganization event.
What is the division of recycling and solid waste?
The Division of Recycling and Solid Waste is responsible for overseeing the various sanitation operations that Piscataway administers. This includes management of the Recycling/Trash Center (Mini-Dump), located adjacent to the public works building. The Division also performs trash cleanup of illegally dumped refuse within Township properties and right-of-ways.
When is the leaf bag distribution in the fall?
In the fall (mid-October through December), the Division is responsible for maintaining supplies and distributing biodegradable leaf bags to homeowners. The Township policy is that homeowners may acquire two bundles of twenty leaf bags.
What is the phone number for Middlesex County?
Residents noting any concerns under the jurisdiction of the Recycling and Solid Waste Division may call (732) 562-2390 or the Middlesex County Improvement Authority recycling hot line (800) 488-6242 for curbside recycling issues.
Talk to Santa!
On Monday evening, December 13th, ask Santa what you want for gifts from the comfort of your own home!
Mayor's Message
At the Piscataway Senior Center, elderly residents appreciated the opportunity to ask questions of U.S. Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-6), Tom Malinowski (NJ-7) & Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ-10) alongside Mayor Brian C. Wahler about the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3) from the 116th Congress.