How do I get single sign on in Washington State?
MyPortal.wa.gov (most common) – Use this link for single sign on if your agency is part of the State Enterprise Active Directory (EAD) or Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS). MyPortalExt.wa.gov – Use this link if your agency does not have single sign on since it is not part of the EAD or ADFS.
How do I view my self service earnings statement?
Employee Self Service Earnings Statements- Click on the tab above to view and print any earnings statement issued in the past 12 months. Earnings statements are posted for viewing two business days prior to payday. If a specific earnings statement is needed that is not available in the list, contact your payroll office.
How do I apply for a state job in Washington?
To search and apply for state jobs- Go to www.careers.wa.gov Need help with an error or have a question? Check out our Troubleshooting section - Go to www.ofm.wa.gov/it-systems/ess Contact your agency Time & Attendance Keeper Need even more help? Contact HereToHelp@ofm.wa.govor 360.407.9100

How to access the site
State agency and higher education institution human resource professionals can use their Active Directory credentials or create a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account to request access. Once access is granted, users can log in to the HR Pro Portal site.
Need assistance
If you need additional assistance, please email classandcomp@ofm.wa.gov