What's new in the UIC portal?
The UIC Portal has been upgraded to the latest platform version. Look for design improvements and new features. Bookmarks and Favorites in the current portal will not transfer to the new portal. my.uic.edu - Resources This portlet may not be moved
What are the benefits offered by UIC?
Many benefits become effective on the first day of employment. Benefits offered by UIC include health care options, wellness programs, educational opportunities, tuition assistance, vacations, holidays and other leave benefits, and University retirement plans.
What does UIC do for its shareholders?
As an Alaska Native Corporation, UIC provides social and economic resources to over 2,900 Iñupiat shareholders, and their descendants. UIC’s core business practice commitments are Safety, Quality, Business Ethics, and Shareholder Development and Value.
How do I use my UIC netid and password?
Once you activate your UIC NetID and password, use it to access most authenticated University of Illinois computing and networking services (e.g., Self-Service Enterprise applications like Student Registration & Records, Financial Aid) as well as UIC campus-based services like email, Blackboard, Wifi and computer labs. One NetID. One Password.

What are the benefits of UIC?
Benefits offered by UIC include health care options, wellness programs, educational opportunities, tuition assistance, vacations, holidays and other leave benefits, and University retirement plans.
When is the University of Illinois open enrollment?
Each year the University of Illinois at Chicago holds an open enrollment period, typically during the month of May, called Benefit Choice. Any change in State or University benefits is implemented at this time and becomes effective the following July 1.
What is the University of Illinois at Chicago?
The University of Illinois at Chicago and the State of Illinois offer competitive wages, benefit programs and resources for employees. UIC is strongly committed to providing equitable benefit options throughout each stage of employment. Many benefits become effective on the first day of employment. Benefits offered by UIC include health care ...
What is the SURS eligibility?
General Benefits Eligibility. Employees with appointment of 50% time or more and eligible to participate in SURS. Faculty: 100% time with an appointment that is greater than or equal to, 4.5 months but less than 9 months. Faculty with 50 – 99 % of the average weekly hours required of a full-time employee in the same position.