Why work for Shelby County?
Shelby County seeks to employ highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals and has adopted a comprehensive compensation and benefits program that attracts many highly qualified prospective employees. The Department of Personnel Services accepts applications only for currently posted positions.
How do I log into the Employee Portal?
Log into the Employee Portal using your email username & password to access the following information. Note: Your email username is the first half of your email address. Ex. If your email address is doej@scsk12, your username is doej. For payroll questions, call 901-416-5402 or send an email to PayrollQuestions@scsk12.org.
How do I search for Shelby County Sheriff's office?
Employee Resources | Shelby County Sheriff's Office Search Enter a search request and press enter. Press Esc or the X to close. close Utility Menu Searchsearch
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How to contact the Department of Personnel Services?
The staff of the Department of Personnel Services is available to assist you with all phases of the employment process. Please contact us at (205) 670-6510 if you would like additional information. Applicants with special needs may request additional assistance or other reasonable accommodations.
Where is the post job application process administered?
Applications, post-job offer requirements, compensation, and benefits are administered through the Personnel Office. All new hires are required to attend a new employee orientation session in the Personnel Office prior to the start of their employment.
Does the Department of Personnel Services contact every job applicant?
The Department of Personnel Services does not contact every job applicant to report the status of the hiring process. Only applicants to be interviewed and applicants who have been interviewed and who have received an offer for employment are contacted.
Does Shelby County have a compensation program?
Shelby County seeks to employ highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals and has adopted a comprehensive compensation and benefits program that attracts many highly qualified prospective employees. The Department of Personnel Services accepts applications only for currently posted positions. View Open Jobs,