
sfmta employee portal

by Kailey Nader Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I contact the SFMTA?

For questions contact: COVID.HR.Questions@SFMTA.com Look for agency news updates on Inside SFMTA and through agency email - both accessible on the new operator portal when you sign on with your new username/password. Look for more Wellness content on the agency's intranet when you login to the new operator portal.

Where can I find SFMTA news and wellness content?

Look for agency news updates on Inside SFMTA and through agency email - both accessible on the new operator portal when you sign on with your new username/password. Look for more Wellness content on the agency's intranet when you login to the new operator portal.

What can I do in the SF Employee Portal?

Welcome to your SF Employee Portal! The SF Employee Portal provides employee access to various self-service functionality, including the ability to view and update personal information, obtain pay and benefits enrollment information, submit expense reimbursements, and report time for Self Service Time Entry Departments.

How do I enter a simple math problem in SFMTA?

Enter your SFMTA username. Enter the password that accompanies your username. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.


What is the alert tab in SF?

The ALERTS tab contains information regarding the SF Employee Portal Systems, such as outages and updates. Some alerts can be dismissed, while others remain for a scheduled period of time.

What do departments communicate to employees?

Departments will communicate to employees the options they should and should not utilize.

How to view my pay stubs?

Click the MY PAY slideout to view your most recent pay information. Click the VIEW MY PAY link to view your prior paystubs.

Where are the tabs in Portal?

Across the middle of the Portal page are several tabs containing information and links under each tab. The tabs that appear are based on the employee’s position and security access. For example, employees who are not managers will not see the MANAGER LINKS tab.

What is the information menu?

The Information menu contains links for employees to obtain information about policy, benefits and employment opportunities.

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