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Salary estimated from 154 employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed.
Employees at Salient CRGT have reported receiving these benefits. They will vary by role and location.
Questions and answers
People have asked 20 questions about working at Salient CRGT. See the answers, explore popular topics and discover unique insights from Salient CRGT employees.
Interview insights
Insights from 38 Indeed users who have interviewed with Salient CRGT within the last 5 years.
What's being discussed at Salient CRGT?
Explore skills and training, pay raises and promotions and management and culture.
Salient Investor Portal
Institutions and qualified individual investors can access Salient’s investor portal to view documents specific to their investments in Salient funds, presentations and newsletters. To request access or additional information about the portal, please email ir@salientpartners.com.
Forward Funds Online Account Access
Please click on the button below to access your Forward Funds account. If you have questions about access, please call 1-800-999-6809.
Salient CRGT Overview
Purpose Built for IT Transformation -- Salient CRGT is a leading technology company providing health, data analytics, cloud, agile software development, mobility, cyber security, and infrastructure solutions. We support these core capabilities with full lifecycle IT services and ...
The latest conversations about Tech
Hi fishes, I am getting to final rounds with Amazon, eBay & Microsoft. Should I prioritize any above the others? Do I need to negotiate more with one than the others?
Diversity & Inclusion at Salient CRGT
All answers shown come directly from Salient CRGT Reviews and are not edited or altered.
IT Sys Administrator Interview
I applied through a recruiter. The process took 1 week. I interviewed at Salient CRGT (Kansas City, MO) in Nov 2021
Salient CRGT FAQ
All answers shown come directly from Salient CRGT Reviews and are not edited or altered.
When is Subject Matter Expert 2021?
Subject Matter Expert (Former Employee) - Washington, DC - April 14, 2021. Because they're constantly positioning themselves to be bought, benefits and salaries continue to decline. It's a very lean shoestring. Low investment in their employees and they prefer your professional development comes out of your pocket.
Is SCRGT a good place to work?
SCRGT is really a wonderful place to work . My team work as 1 unit. This is definitely one of the best team I've ever work with. The support is immense. I would recommend Salient CRGT to anyone.