What is the St Peter's health portal?
This is a one-stop portal for the St. Peter's Health Partners health care professionals to access multiple secure e-services. Please use your user name and password to log in to secure services listed on the left side of this page.
What online services does the city of St Peters offer?
The City of St. Peters offers a number of online services that can help you complete your City business or connect with the City remotely: CitizenServe (online Business Licensing, Permitting, Planning & Zoning, Development Plans)
How do I login to the Employee Portal?
To login to the Employee Portal, just click the login button above. Depending on which internet browser you use, logging in to the portal may have a different look. Google Chrome is the preferred browser if accessing the site from home. When prompted, enter your Saint Peter’s network username and password.
What is Saint Peter's University Hospital?
Saint Peter's University Hospital is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen. Saint Peter's is a state-designated children's hospital and a regional perinatal center, and is a major clinical affiliate of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and an affiliate of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Already have a Patient Portal account?
Your log on ID and password can be reset by using the links on the Patient Portal logon page. This will also unlock a locked Patient Portal. When these requests are made the information entered must match your Patient Portal account. If you need assistance, please contact Patient Portal Support.
Registration Forms
An individual Patient Portal Registration Form is a legal document completed by by an adult patient giving St. Peter's Health permission to create a Patient Portal.
How to Use Remote Access
Watch a video on How to Use Remote Access (Although this video indicates you must have a Trinity Issued PC/device, this will now work with a home PC.)
Connecting to SPHP Remotely
Once you have Remote Access and Multi-Factor Authentication set up, go to https://connect.trinity-health.org/. You will be asked to run a scan. Accept this.