How do I sign up as a PUSD employee?
You may then access the portal through the PUSD website ( www.portervilleschools.org) and under the Staff tab you can access the link to the County Employee Portal to begin the initial registration. Click on: “Click here to Register if you do not have an account” at the bottom of the screen.
Is the Poway unified school district (PUSD) an equal opportunity employer?
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program.
What does PUSD stand for?
Employees Information for Poway Unified School District (PUSD) Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube Learning Platforms Canvas MyPlan Library Overdrive K-8 Teacher Synergy Login QuickLinks
How do I get help with PUSD online information?
Assistance Needed to Access PUSD Online Information- Please email or call the PUSD Help Desk for assistance at pusdithelp@powayusd.com ~ For Technical Support, click on the Tab "Technology Help "...

What is the PIN number for payroll?
Beginning January 3, 2017, you may contact the Payroll Office in person M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. or call 559-793-2475 or 559-793-2476.
Is the Tulare County Office of Education open to employees?
With the new policies and procedures in place, the Portal is now available to all employees. The Employee Portal will allow you to view and print current and prior pay stubs, provide access to W-2 information as well as absence information.
Prescott Unified School District No.
Kindergarten Open House 2022-23
Parents of incoming kindergarten students are invited to attend information nights on February 15th – 17th.
5th-12th ELA Curriculum Viewing Information
Prescott Unified School District will be asking the Governing Board to consider adopting ELA (English Language Arts) curriculum for 5th-12th grades. Hard copy materials can be reviewed at the district office on 300 E. Gurley Street from February 1, 2022, through April 1, 2022, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.