
omg employee portal

by Max Kassulke Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Update Personal Information

Employees can enter their personal information without HR support. This information feeds directly into Vista — cutting down administrative time and effort.

Schedule Time Off

Let employees request their own time off by using highly configurable settings in Viewpoint HR Management. These settings match your company’s time off accrual policies.

Enter Personal Time

A simple way to enter individual time from anywhere on any web-based device. Lost paper timesheets and numerous emails are no longer issues.

Easily Access Vista SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Reports

Extend the most up-to-date SSRS reports to employees who are in the office or field from a web browser in real-time.

Elect Benefits

Employees choose and update benefits on their own. Benefit elections and changes are automated- removing guess work and back and forth communication.

View Library and Training Documents and Digital Sign Documents

Make documents digital and allow employees to view relevant compliance and training forms and sign other company documents in one centralized location from a smart phone, tablet or PC.


A proven track record in taking the right step forward at the right time.

Our People

We’re committed to attracting and developing a workforce that is as diverse as our business.


We've developed a strong safety culture driven by employees at every level.

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