
nfi employee portal

by Conner Trantow Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who are we at NFI?

We’re a team of thinkers, doers and supply chain experts brought together by our commitment to getting the job done. Our dedication to serving our employees and communities enables NFI to consistently rank as a top 3PL.

What should I do when I finish using the NFI web application?

When you've finished, always logout from the NFI web application and if you're in a public place close your browser. Programs and data held on this application belong to or are licensed to the Cabinet Office.

What is NFI and how does it work?

DISTRIBUTION. NFI provides a cost-effective means to reliably manage an integral component of the supply chain process, from building your distribution center to managing it.

How do I login to my @UNFI account?

Active Users that already know their @UNFI login ID should use the Login button. If you do not know your @UNFI username or have not registered for @UNFI, use the Register button. You already know your password and want to change it.



Navitrace is NFI's portal into your world. With a full suite of tools for use in the real world, Navitrace provides transparency to your supply chain.


Check load assignment status, schedule deliveries, real-time shipment status, customized reports & data exports


Navitrace is a custom designed tool made by NFI with its customers and carriers in mind. By providing our partners with access to their world, we strive to provide a high level of transparency and connectivity to your supply chain. Navitrace is customized for each customer and is fully developed and managed in house by NFI's key development staff.

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