How do I apply for a job in masscareers?
Use MassCareers to create your user profile, upload your resume, and apply for a job. This guide is for applicants that are already a state employee. State Employees who are new to MassCareers will need an email address in Employee Self Service to create a profile in MassCareers.
How do I view my application status on masscareers?
A candidate can setup an automated custom search that will notify you about a job when it is first posted. You can also view your application status online, along with the ability to accept an e-Offer all from the MassCareers Page. Please Note: If you have questions please contact the Commonwealth Employee Service Center.
What can state employees do with the employee self-service portal?
State employees can enter time, view paystubs, update their personal information and more. On this page you will find information about using employee self-service and have direct access to the employee self-service portal.
Can I change my email address in masscareers?
• Any changes to your email setting will take a day to process, after that you will be able to create your login for MassCareers. • Do Not Change your current or default Work email address in Employee Self Service. • Once you have created a profile in MassCareers, you can change your email in MassCareers to a personal email address.

How to sign up for Massanf?
Step 1. Go to https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/in/jobsearch.ftl. Note: The Internal Candidate Sign in page will open in another tab, browser window OR in the same browser tab you are currently using, depending on how you have your browser set up. Step 2. Accept the Privacy Agreement. Step 3.
How to answer a job question?
They are mandatory to answer. Step 2. As you move from question to question, select your best choice and move on to the next question.
Employee Self-Service
State employees can enter time, view paystubs, update their personal information and more.
Office 365
O365 is a modern and secure suite of Cloud-based email and tools that will make work more collaborative, productive, and fun.
Training and Professional Development
Find career and professional development programs offered to Executive Branch employees.
Who we serve
View the list of agencies supported by the MassHR Employee Service Center. If your agency is not listed you should contact your HR Department for help with Self-Service, Extended Illness Leave Bank, and Tuition Benefits.
What would you like to do?
Thanks, your message has been sent to MassHR Employee Service Center (ESC)!
Before you begin
State Employees who are new to MassCareers will need an email address in Employee Self Service to create a profile in MassCareers. To verify if you have an email address, please log into Employee Self Service, select the Main Menu, then select My Systems Profile to check your email settings and add an email address if necessary.
First time User creates a profile without applying for a job
Step 1. Go to https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/in/jobsearch.ftl Note: The Internal Candidate Sign in page will open in another tab, browser window OR in the same browser tab you are currently using, depending on how you have your browser set up.
General Profile page
There are two possible ways to use this page. You can upload a resume, which will be used by the system to copy relevant information into your profile OR you can skip this step and choose to enter all of your information manually on the next page.
Step 1. Tab into the first edit field and type in the name of the school you attended. There is a dropdown menu that suggests results that match what you type in. Use the dropdown menu with predictive results or you can type your own educational institute in.
Employment History
Step 1. Tab to the Start Date field. There are two fields (month and year) for both Start and End Dates.
Certifications and Licensure
Step 1. Tab into the first edit field and type in the name of the school you attended. There is a dropdown menu that suggests results that match what you type in. Use the dropdown menu with predictive results or you can type your own educational institute in.
Step 1. There are three separate pages that comprise the Preferences section.
Employee Self-Service
State employees can enter time, view paystubs, update their personal information and more.
Training and Professional Development
Find career and professional development programs offered to Executive Branch employees.
Retirement Information for Active Members (MSRB)
Information for current employees in the Massachusetts State Employees' Retirement System.
Learn about insurance benefits
The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) provides high-quality, affordable health insurance and other benefit options to over 220,000 subscribers and 460,000 members.