Does masonicare have part time jobs?
As a care “continuum,” Masonicare provides nursing, rehabilitation, home care, residential living, and hospice services—offering job seekers an amazing range of positions throughout the state. Masonicare offers full-time, part-time, and weekends only or per diem/visit-type positions.
Why masonicare continuing care retirement communities?
And to combat this stigma, Masonicare has developed beautiful Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) and employs best-in-class healthcare that respects your uniqueness and encourages you to be ageless. This unique CCRC/Life Plan Community is nestled among 168 acres of nature and centrally located in Wallingford.
What is the mission of masonicare?
Masonicare stands on a legacy of caring that has guided its mission for over a century. Committed to honoring life in all of its stages-and aiming to challenge ageism-Masonicare provides a welcoming environment for senior living in all its forms.
What is the relationship between Roobrik and masonicare?
Masonicare has partnered with Roobrik to help you learn more about your needs and options. Roobrik’s assessment tools help older adults and their families think through care and living decisions with compassion, insight, and personalized recommendations for next steps.

What is Masonicare nursing?
As a care “continuum,” Masonicare provides nursing, rehabilitation, home care, residential living, and hospice services—offering job seekers an amazing range of positions throughout the state. Masonicare offers full-time, part-time, and weekends only or per diem/visit-type positions. If you need work-life balance to meet the demands of family life, our team understands.
Does Masonicare offer 401(k)?
In addition to an industry-leading benefits package offering, Masonicare also offers a 401 (k) program with Employer Match, paid holidays, and a generous Paid Time Off program. Masonicare also has a very well-rounded Wellness Program.
Is Masonicare a people company?
It would hardly be an overstatement to say Masonicare is a “people company.” Defined by the people our team is privileged to care for—and the very people who do that caring—Masonicare is a leader in senior services for the state of Connecticut.
Is Masonicare a nonprofit?
As a nonprofit organization, Masonicare relies on the generous contributions & volunteerism from people like you. Masonicare is backed by an incredible team of caring individuals—and you could be a part of it. Browse full-time, part-time & weekends-only opportunities.
RN Hospice Visiting Nurse
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