Who is Marsden Building Maintenance?
Marsden Building Maintenance is a Marsden Services company. Marsden is a full spectrum facility services provider, offering janitorial, security, building maintenance, and specialty property services throughout the United States.
Who is Marsden?
Marsden is a full spectrum facility services provider, offering janitorial, security, building maintenance, and specialty property services throughout the United States.
How much can I earn with a Marsden referral?
If you have friends, family members, or acquaintances who qualify for employment with Marsden and would be interested in applying, you could earn up to $450 per referral. You can earn up to $50 just for submitting a referral list.
How many clients does Marsden have?
Marsden has thousands of clients across the country and services over 300M square feet every day. Despite Marsden's national scope, Marsden focuses on the local markets in which it has acquisitions and office locations. Each office is invested in its community and local clients, providing personalized service.

Quick Links
Marsden has a new policy regarding fully vaccinated employees and face masks. Please click here to read the full notice to employees.
Earn money for referrals!
Marsden is hiring and you could earn hundreds of dollars for referring qualified candidates to Marsden!
COVID-19: Quick Updates
Effective July 19, 2021, Marsden communicated a revised policy on mask use. Marsden field employees are allowed to remove their masks while working if the following conditions are met:
Quick Links
Marsden has a new policy regarding fully vaccinated employees and face masks. Please click here to read the full notice to employees.
Earn money for referrals!
Marsden is hiring and you could earn hundreds of dollars for referring qualified candidates to Marsden!
COVID-19: Quick Updates
Effective July 19, 2021, Marsden communicated a revised policy on mask use. Marsden field employees are allowed to remove their masks while working if the following conditions are met:
Quick Links
Marsden has a new policy regarding fully vaccinated employees and face masks. Please click here to read the full notice to employees.
Earn money for referrals!
Marsden is hiring and you could earn hundreds of dollars for referring qualified candidates to Marsden!
COVID-19: Quick Updates
Effective July 19, 2021, Marsden communicated a revised policy on mask use. Marsden field employees are allowed to remove their masks while working if the following conditions are met:
We're a Marsden Company!
Marsden South is a Marsden Services company. Marsden is a full spectrum facility services provider, offering janitorial, security, building maintenance, and specialty property services throughout the United States.
National Scope
Marsden is one of the largest privately owned facility service providers in the United States. Marsden has over 50 offices throughout the United States and employs more than 10k people. Marsden has thousands of clients across the country and services over 300M square feet every day.
Local Dedication
Despite Marsden's national scope, Marsden focuses on the local markets in which it has acquisitions and office locations. Each office is invested in its community and local clients, providing personalized service.
Enterprise Resources
Marsden's local operating companies have the benefit of leveraging Marsden’s resources as a large organization – including staff, technology, equipment, supplies, information, industry experts, and financial support.
Enterprise Resources
Marsden Building Maintenance is a Marsden Services company. Marsden is a full spectrum facility services provider, offering janitorial, security, building maintenance, and specialty property services throughout the United States.
Marsden Newsroom
During the first phases of the pandemic, employers everywhere sent staff home to stay safe and work remotely if possible. As 2022 begins, many companies are preparing to return to the office, but new COVID-19 variants and continued pandemic concerns have led many business leaders to pivot to hybrid […]