How many jobs can you browse through at Mardel?
You can browse through all 19 jobs MARDEL has to offer Rating is calculated based on 139 reviews and is evolving. Insights from 21 Indeed users who have interviewed with MARDEL within the last 5 years. What's being discussed at MARDEL?
Where can I buy Mardel products?
We offer quality products at the best prices on Mardel.com and across our 34 stores located in the central region of the United States. Our products share truth, teach knowledge, offer encouragement, inspire worship, and bring joy--fulfilling the vision of Mardel to make a difference and give hope.
What is Mardel Christian&education?
Mardel Christian & Education is a faith-based company dedicated to renewing minds and transforming lives through the products we sell and the ministries we support. To this end, we provide a large selection of Bibles, books, movies, gifts, music, kid products, apparel, church and educational supplies, and homeschool curriculum.

What did working at Mardel provide me with?
Working at Mardel provided me with an open mind to different cultures and religions. I have learned how to communicate and work better with all religious backgrounds, cultures and personalities. It was a joyous experience to work for a company that contributed to the needs of our community and organizations.
How many hours does Mardel work?
The pay for Mardel is not bad. They raised the starting pay recently to compete with other warehouses pay. Usually work 33-37 hours per week. They don’t want anyone to get overtime
Does Mardel give pay raises?
If you're a student or someone looking to advance, Mardel is not the place for you. They rarely give pay raises, most employees are part time and they do not hire managers from within the company so if you're hoping for a management position after years of being there you can forget it.
Is Mardel a relaxed place to work?
Working at Mardel was a very relaxed job. It never really got overwhelming, and the staff themselves were very friendly and more than willing to help each other out whenever needed.