When will Lee County Schools use the new employee portal?
Beginning February 1, 2022, Lee County Schools will be using a New Employee Portal. All staff were provided written confirmation of this transition which included new staff Payroll ID numbers and login instructions. Please refer to your letter for specific login instructions. The login link is below.
Where is Lee County School District of Lee County located?
The School District of Lee County 2855 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33966 Phone: 239-334-1102 TTD/TTY: 239-335-1512 Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.
Why hire a Lee County Board of County Commissioners employee?
Current employees of the Lee County Board of County Commissioners can explore resources to better understand your employee benefits, save money on prescriptions, discover the advantages of flexible spending accounts, plan for retirement and more. Have you been counted yet? Get Counted Now!
How do I contact the LCHS office?
Contact Joy Cox, jcox.ls@lee.k12.nc.us at LCHS or Jackie Tyler ( jtyler@lee.k12.nc.us) at Central Office if you need assistance.

What is the Lee County School Board?
The Lee County School Board is actively searching for members to join their Citizens Advisory Committees. These committees meet on a regular basis to provide input, support and advice to the Board.
When is the next school district audit report?
The School District of Lee County has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Financial Audit Report for the year ending June 30, 2020.