
jeffco employee portal

by Dr. Gayle O'Reilly Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Why human resources at Jeffco?

Human Resources strives to develop Compensation Programs that attract, develop, retain, and reward highly qualified employees at all levels of responsibility, and are designed to: Acknowledge that the work of our employees is critical to the achievement of Jeffco’s mission.

How is my salary determined at Jeffco Public Schools?

If you secure a position with Jeffco Public Schools your salary will be determined through a process where years of experience and degrees will be evaluated and finalized. To see salary information and schedules from previous years, click below.

How do you make Jeffco a good employer?

Acknowledge that the work of our employees is critical to the achievement of Jeffco’s mission. Promote internal equity and consistency across the District’s compensation practices. Compete with prevailing market rates for similar jobs in other front range districts. Be fiscally responsible, transparent and understandable.

Why teach at Jeffco Public Schools?

Upon securing a position with Jeffco Public Schools you will advance on the salary schedule for an effective or highly effective evaluation rating based on your professional practices evaluation. If you are new to teaching at Jeffco, we understand it may take time to be effective.


What is the Jeffco Hope Fund?

Community First Foundation created the Jeffco Hope Fund to strengthen and stabilize community organizations responding to and impacted by COVID-19. With a $1 million contribution to the fund, the Foundation welcomes donations from the Jeffco community. Read on...

What age do you have to wear a mask in Jeffco?

JCPH today issued a new Public Health Order 20-008 that requires everyone in Jeffco ages 11 and older to wear a mask or cloth face covering when in public settings — both indoors and outdoors — when unable to maintain 6 foot social distancing. Read more.

What does Dahlkemper say about being a county commissioner?

Dahlkemper Offers Insight to Being a County Commissioner. There's an old proverb that says, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. It truly captures the spirit of our work as county commissioners.

What is the Jefferson County resolution?

CC20-254, a resolution acknowledging the global climate crisis and affirming the county’s commitment to climate action.

What is JCPH order 20-007?

JCPH today issued Public Health Order 20-007, which requires venues hosting large events to provide a plan outlining how they will adhere to the state’s Safer-at-Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors requirements. Read more.

When did Jefferson County apply for 5 star business variance?

Jefferson County submitted the required application and letters of support to the CDPHE on Dec. 23 for the “5 star” certified business variance program that, if approved, will allow increased capacity for local businesses. Read on...

When did Jefferson County get 5 star certification?

CDPHE Approves Jefferson County’s Five-Star Certification Program. On December 31, 2020, at 4 p.m., we received approval from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) of our Five-Star Certification Program.

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