What is Jackson Hewitt’s $100 Federal refund guarantee?
For new customers only: If, after Jackson Hewitt files your tax return, you are entitled to a larger Federal refund, you’ll get $100 in addition to our Maximum Refund Guarantee (the tax preparation fees paid to us for that filed return). Other product and service fees excluded.
Is Jackson Hewitt licensed in Rhode Island?
Jackson Hewitt is a Rhode Island Licensed Loan Broker. Jackson Hewitt is licensed in Maine (#CSO14242), Maryland (#CSO28-111), and holds other relevant licenses for the locations where this product is offered.
Is Jackson Hewitt a licensed broker?
Jackson Hewitt is a Rhode Island Licensed Loan Broker and holds other relevant licenses for the locations where this product is offered. Interest not applicable in all locations. Visit www.jacksonhewitt.com/refund-advance for details.
What services does Jackson offer its employees?
Employees Employees Here, Jackson employees can find access to services including accessing work email, finding information on programs and more. Employee BenefitsCareer Development

What is Jackson's commitment to equality?
Jackson is committed to the principles of equity, fairness, and respect for all people. As part of this commitment, Jackson actively values diversity in the workplace, and provides equal employment opportunities regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital status, pregnancy, ancestry, citizenship, sex, ...
What is Jackson Health System?
Jackson Health System (JHS) continuously seeks to preserve the privacy rights of our patients. Your trust is linked to the quality of care we provide. Therefore, we are dedicated to preventing unauthorized access, communicating your rights and maintaining the accuracy of the information you provide.
What is the success of PHT/JHS?
PHT/JHS’s success as a health care provider results from providing quality services. PHT/JHS does not seek to gain an improper advantage by offering business courtesies such as entertainment, meals, transportation or lodging to customers, referred sources, or purchasers of PHT/JHS services.
What is the policy of PHT/JHS?
It is the policy of PHT/JHS to comply with applicable anti-trust, trade, and similar laws that regulate competition. Federal and state laws prohibit PHT/JHS and its employees from offering payments or any items of value to induce anyone to purchase services from or to refer a patient to PHT/JHS.
Does PHT/JHS provide medical screening?
PHT/JHS will provide treatment to all individuals, regardless of the ability to pay, who have an emergency medical condition. PHT/ JHS employees may not delay such treatment or the provision of an appropriate medical screening in order to inquire about the individual’s method of payment or insurance coverage.