What is IRS e-services?
Online Tools for Tax Professionals. e-Services is a suite of web-based tools that allow tax professionals, reporting agents, mortgage industry, payers and others to complete transactions online with the IRS.
What is an IRS portal?
A "Portal" as used in this standard is defined as the web based infrastructure (hardware and software) that serves as the entry point for web access to IRS applications and data.
What is the IRS e-services user agreement?
e-Services is a suite of web-based tools that allow tax professionals, reporting agents, mortgage industry, payers and others to complete transactions online with the IRS. All e-Services users must accept the User Agreement in order to access accounts. The IRS has changed the format and distribution policy for tax transcripts.
What is IRS online tools for tax professionals?
Online Tools for Tax Professionals e-Services is a suite of web-based tools that allow tax professionals, reporting agents, mortgage industry, payers and others to complete transactions online with the IRS. All e-Services users must accept the User Agreement in order to access accounts.

How do I access EPP?
Employees can access EPP from any computer at https://www.nfc.usda.gov/epps.
What is EPP payroll?
National Finance Center's (NFC) Employee Personal Page (EPP) system is a web-based, self-service system that allows employees access to their personal information. EPP gives you the flexibility to submit changes to your payroll information online.
How do I get my w2 from federal employees?
If current or former employees do not have EPP access, they should contact their current or former Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) to request W-2 and W-2C reprints. The W-2 is available under Personal Info on the EPP left-hand menu.
What is EPP account?
The Employee Personal Page (EPP) is a responsive Web-based application that provides employees self-service access to their personal information.
How do I access my eOPF from home?
The eOPF web address is https://eopf.opm.gov/dot/.
How can I get my record of employment?
How to Find Your Employment HistoryCheck With Your State Tax Department or Unemployment Office.Request Employment History from Social Security.Use Your Tax Returns.Request Transcripts of Your Tax Returns.Check With Prior Employers.
How can I get W-2 online?
With more than 150 million W-2's available online, finding yours may be very easy by using the TurboTax or H&R Block W2 finder to access yours. TurboTax and H&R Block are online tax preparation companies with a free W2 search and import function, enabling you to find your W2 online quickly.
How can I get a copy of W-2 quickly?
The quickest way to obtain a copy of your current year Form W-2 is through your employer. Your employer first submits Form W-2 to SSA; after SSA processes it, they transmit the federal tax information to the IRS.
Can I file my taxes without my W-2?
If you cannot get a copy of your W-2 or 1099, you can still file taxes by filling out Form 4852, “Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.” This form requests information about your wages and taxes that were withheld. It may be helpful to have documentation, such as a final pay stub, available to complete it.
How do I register my HP EPP?
Sign up for our EPP email newsletter and be one of the first to hear about the latest product releases, hot offers and exclusive EPP deals. 2. Under “New Registration” fill in your email address, password of choice and name 3. Enter the Berkshire Hathaway company code EN5215 and click on “Register”.
What is NFC EPP?
Last Updated: 11/5/2019 2:43:58 PM. EPP allows employees serviced by NFC to view their receivable and receipt debts as well as their payroll, leave, health and life insurance, Wage and Tax Statement, and other personal information.
What is Networks EPP?
What is the Samsung Enhanced Partnership Program (EPP)? The Samsung Partnership Program (EPP) is a staff purchase program for Samsung Key Accounts and their employees. Companies registered in this program receive preferential pricing across the range of Samsung products.
Employer Portal - Employer Portal Login
Welcome to the Georgia Department of Labor Employer Portal. All first time users are required to Establish Administrator Access.The first person establishing access is the administrator for the Employer's account and will be responsible for managing all other users on this portal.
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What is a portal in IRS?
A "Portal" as used in this standard is defined as the web based infrastructure (hardware and software) that serves as the entry point for web access to IRS applications and data. The portal provides common services such as communications services, platform services, security services and applications services, ...
Who manages IRS portals?
The IRS Portal and Extranet Usage Standard will be managed and enforced by Enterprise Architecture Office within the Information Technology (IT).
What is an IEP PUP?
The IEP-PUP is the IRS external or Internet portal that allows unrestricted public access to non-sensitive materials and applications, including forms, instructions, news, and tax calculators. No authentication is required for access to any materials on the IEP-PUP. The IEP-RUP is the IRS external portal that allows registered individuals ...
What is an IEP?
This section defines the standard and directs the usage of the Integrated Enterprise Portals (IEP). For all business applications in development prior to the ELC MS3 and all other new IT applications, IRS intranet users and external system interactions for these business applications shall utilize the IEP identified in this IRM. This IRM covers what a managed service contractor is required to address and what is required for both external web based users (individuals and systems) and internal web based users (individuals) that have been identified by the Enterprise Technology Implementation (ETI) and Enterprise Architecture Office (EA).
What is a portal assignment checklist?
The checklist is intended to facilitate analysis in determining the correct portal capabilities needed by a project. The checklist will gather the information required to make portal and capability assignments based on business and security requirements and will be submitted to EA. Completed checklists serve as the basis for determining portal assignments for specific processing within a project or system. Completed checklists also are used as a tool in the decision making process when waivers are requested.
Why is the reduction in numbers of portals important?
The reduction in numbers of portals is important to achieve maximum integration of assets; reduction of costs; and standardization of security. IRS organizations and users in complying with this portal standard are essential to the IRS achieving enterprise goals.
What is the ETI number?
If there are any questions or if additional guidance on this standard is required, contact Enterprise Technology Implementation (ETI) at 240-613-4726 *PortalPMOMailbox@irs.gov or Enterprise Architecture Office at *Enterprise Architecture enterprise.architecture@irs.gov 240-613-4443.
What is an e-service?
e-Services is a suite of web-based tools that allow tax professionals, reporting agents, mortgage industry, payers and others to complete transactions online with the IRS. All e-Services users must accept the User Agreement in order to access accounts.
How long are tax transcripts available?
Reminder: If you view your transcript in your mailbox, it is only available for 3 days.
Are you registered for Secure Access?
All e-Services users must register and create new accounts using a two-factor authentication process called Secure Access. To complete this process, select the e-Services application or product in which you are trying to access and select either Sign Up or Log In. Please visit our FAQ page for e-Services and Secure Access.
High Demand for Online Account
Online Account information is updated once per day, usually overnight. There’s no need to check more often.
Access Tax Records
View key data from your most recently filed tax return, including your adjusted gross income, and access transcripts
There are compatibility issues with some assistive technologies. Refer to the accessibility guide for help if you use a screen reader, screen magnifier or voice command software.
Other ways to find your account information
You can request an Account Transcript by mail. Note that each Account Transcript only covers a single tax year, and may not show the most recent penalties, interest, changes or pending actions.
What is a warning system?
Warning. You are accessing a U.S. Government information system, which includes (1) this computer, (2) this computer network, (3) all computers connected to this network, and (4) all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network.
Can the government intercept or seize information?
At any time, the government may for any lawful government purpose monitor, intercept, search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. Any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful government purpose.
The HRConnect Product Suite is offered as an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) officially designated Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB), Shared Service Center (SSC). OPM’s designation enables Treasury to offer interoperable, portable and scalable HR/payroll solutions across the federal space.
HRConnect Product Suite Overview
The HRConnect Product Suite is offered as an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) officially designated Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB), Shared Service Center (SSC). OPM’s designation enables Treasury to offer interoperable, portable and scalable HR/payroll solutions across the federal space.
What is the IRS?
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) strives to provide one-stop web-based services for the general public, Federal agencies, and tax professionals from multiple channels. Prior to August 2012, there were three distinct IRS portals [1] supporting the IRS user communities. One of the IRS’s goals is to transform the technology platform for the three portals to one that is shared, which will lower its total cost of ownership. The modernized platform will also enable the IRS to provide enhanced online services to taxpayers.
What is the purpose of the Integrated Enterprise Portal?
The IRS used an Integrated Enterprise Portal capacity planning process to manage current and future capacity and performance aspects of the information technology infrastructure. However, the IRS did not always review, verify, and maintain appropriate invoice documentation prior to releasing payment for contractor services.
Why are IEP requirements not traceable?
Because the IEP functional and nonfunctional requirements were not developed from business requirements, the requirements could not be traced through the system. The lack of requirements traceability could result in missed requirements, the system not functioning as intended, and/or costly repairs.
Why is there a discrepancy in the TIGTA labor rate?
Management Action: After TIGTA briefed the IRS on test results identifying inconsistent billings of contractor employee labor rates, the IRS conducted further analysis and determined the discrepancy arose because the IRS provided the wrong Contractor’s Price Book for TIGTA’s review. The IRS provided the correct pricing book, and TIGTA determined the labor rates to be accurate. However, not properly reviewing invoices with the correct Contractor’s Price Book increases the risk that the IRS may overpay for contractor billed hours.
What is the overall objective of the IRS audit?
The overall audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Integrated Enterprise Portal. This review is part of our Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Audit Plan and addresses the major management challenge of Providing Quality Taxpayer Service Operations. In August 2012, the IRS began a consolidation of its three separate user portals into one shared portal. The IRS’s overall goal of this consolidation is to provide modernized user experiences, information, and functionality while lowering total costs.
When was the IRS not receiving invoices for work completed in 2014?
For example, an invoice for work completed in March 2014 was not received by the IRS until July 2014. IEP management could not identify the cause of this delay.
When was the IEP board established?
The IEP Capacity Governance Board was established in January 2014. The board meets on a weekly basis with the IRS business units’ representatives, the PPMO, and the contractor. During the meetings, the stakeholders discuss current capacity management issues and upcoming work requests requiring capacity, which come from the Technical Review Board.