What is the iris web portal?
The IRIS Web portal provides employees the ability to access Employee Self-Service and other administrative functions found within the IRIS system and other University system software solutions. Log into IRIS Web using your NetID and Password. If you encounter difficulties with your NetID and password, check the OIT website for NetID Help.
Who can access Iris financial/procurement and Iris Human Resource Management?
IRIS Financial/Procurement (FIN/PROC) and IRIS Human Resource Management (HRM) are only accessible by State of Alaska (SOA) employees from within the SOA network. State of Alaska employees may login to Employee Self Service (ESS) from inside or outside the SOA network.
Who can access Iris advanced secrets?
Watch the First Episode! IRIS Advanced Secrets Uncovered In This Fun Web Series. IRIS Financial/Procurement (FIN/PROC) and IRIS Human Resource Management (HRM) are only accessible by State of Alaska (SOA) employees from within the SOA network. State of Alaska employees may login to Employee Self Service (ESS) from inside or outside the SOA network.
How do I access Iris in SAP?
IRIS GUI: Access IRIS through the SAPGUI client if locally installed on your machine. The inbox contains work items from IRIS and Employee Self-Service for review and approval. This is also the inbox that Principal Investigators might use to approve electronic ledger reconciliations.

The Operative - IRIS Advanced Awareness Campaign Video Series
A field operations 'sleeper agent' is activated by 'management' to obtain all TOP SECRET information regarding DOA's new IRIS Advanced system. The mission digs up old memories, takes him from coast to coast, and along the way discovers that the past rarely stays in the past.
IRIS Upgrade Kickoff
The official IRIS Advanced upgrade was kicked off in early 2020. Our State of Alaska and CGI teams are working hard to bring you exciting changes such as a new User Interface experience, enhanced navigation, and even a mobile platform.