Job Postings
Looking for an opportunity to enter the property management industry? InterSolutions has full and...
Find Exceptional Talent
Every associate is thoroughly screened and trained to meet our standards and exceed your expectations.
In today’s competitive multifamily market, it can be rather difficult to keep resident retention rates high and we know… Read more »
Reduce Employment Risks
Our advanced recruitment, screening, and training process gives our associates the best chance to succeed at your company and reduces the stress of hiring.
Deliver Game-Changing Technology
Our InterSolutions mobile app features facial recognition check-in and GPS tracking. You’ll have complete peace of mind that our associates will be where they’re supposed to be, when they’re supposed to be there.
Ensure Consistent Quality
We connect with each of our clients and solicit ongoing feedback from each employer and associate as part of our continuous improvement program. Our call center allows us to be available to our clients and associates 24/7/365.
Temporary Staffing
Easily handle vacations, talent shortages, and unexpected absences with our dependable, fully trained talent.
Try an associate on location to assess their training, skills, and professionalism. If they aren’t a fit, then we’ll replace them quickly. It’s a risk-free hiring strategy.
Executive Search
Shorten your time to hire onsite and executive talent with our Direct Hire Division – even for difficult-to-fill positions. We source, screen, and interview candidates – you select only the best to interview and ultimately hire. [More]
JumpStart Payroll Service
Place the employees you select onto our payroll. We handle payroll administration, taxes, reporting, and workers’ compensation for you – freeing you to focus on more pressing priorities. When you’re ready to make the hire, there are no minimum hours or conversion fees! [More]