Why work at IES?
Each employee is extremely knowledgeable in their position, but can also fill in for others when they're on vacation or leave. IES employees are the happiest I've worked with." "We returned to IES because of your quality and level of service, as well as your knowledge and ability to do a much better job for the employees.
Why partner with IES as your employer of record?
Read More Global Services When you partner with IES as your Employer of Record, you get all the benefits of today’s flexible contingent workforce without the risk. IES simplifies and streamlines your payrolling and HR processes – saving your company time, money and stress. No more second-guessing.
How do I remotely log in to employee self service (ESS)?
Effective April 25, 2021, the way that you remotely log in to Employee Self Service (ESS) from outside the commonwealth network has changed. Previously, remote access to ESS required multi-factor authentication (MFA) using Outlook email or the SAP Authenticator app.
What does IES stand for?
The Integrated Enterprise System (IES) is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

SAP GUI for Windows release 7.70
The Integrated Enterprise System Office (IESO) made SAP GUI for Windows release 7.70 available on July 25, 2021.
Employee Self Service Remote Log-In Changes
Effective April 25, 2021, the way that you remotely log in to Employee Self Service (ESS) from outside the commonwealth network has changed.
Updated Version of SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
An updated version of Analysis for Office (AO) software is now available and should be installed on user PCs on or before March 28, 2021.
Learning Solution Now Compatible with Microsoft Edge
You can now complete web-based courses, as well as search for and book courses, from Microsoft Edge.
Notice - Business Warehouse post-Support Package Issue
Following the application of support packages to the Business Warehouse (BW) system on September 12, 2020, the GOTO functionality from Analysis for Office (which allows users to jump from a document in BW to the transaction in R/3) returns an error message: "No Web server maintained for the pesentation of log.