Why join HCDE?
Why Join HCDE? Harris County Department of Education is a full-service provider of education resources. Our primary clients include school districts, citizens, municipalities, and non-profit entities across and beyond Harris County.
How do I login to the HCDE?
To login type your HCDE user name and password. Prefix your HCDE user name with hcdemain\, for example, if your user name is rsmith you will type hcdemainsmith as your user name. Need Assistance?
What is the vacation policy like at HCDE?
Employees who have at least 10 years of service with HCDE receive 15 vacation days per year. HCDE employees may access e-mail from any internet browser using the O365 Cloud.
When does my free access to HCDE ProPlus end?
Your free access to the software ends when you are no longer employed by HCDE. Install Office 365 ProPlus on personal computers. HCDE Step-by-step instructions for setting up Microsoft Outlook on your mobile device.

Why Join HCDE?
Harris County Department of Education is a full-service provider of education resources. Our primary clients include school districts, citizens, municipalities, and non-profit entities across and beyond Harris County. We employ administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, therapists, paraprofessionals, custodial employees and others.
Employee Benefits Included
Personal Leave Benefits – Full-time employees working 10, 11, or 12-month schedules earn one personal leave day each month after working at least 10 days within the month.
Email & Internet
HCDE employees may access e-mail from any internet browser using the O365 Cloud. Login at https://outlook.office365.com using your HCDE email address and password.