
hays cisd employee portal

by Heloise Reichert Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Why work at Hays CISD?

Employee benefits are a major component of team member compensation packages. Hays CISD offers excellent medical and dental insurance, as well as a variety of other insurance products to ensure staff members are protected from unexpected life events. Hays CISD is also proud to offer staff members an employee assistance program.

Where will Hays CISD be attending job fairs in November 2021?

Hays CISD will be attending several job fairs in November 2021 - both in-person and virtual. Hays CISD will also be participating in the annual Red, White and You, held by the Texas Workforce Commission on November 4, 2021. Please click on headline or "Read More" for additional information and registration.

How do I purchase the Hays CISD home game pass?

The pass is good for regular season home games for Hays CISD Boys & Girls Basketball. Purchase online at www.hayscisd.net/BoxOffice. Click headline above or "Read More" to purchase.

Who is the new director of safety and security in Hays?

The Hays Consolidated Independent School District is pleased to announce that Jeri Skrocki has been named the district’s new director of safety and security. This is a position that is dedicated to ensuring students and staff members are prepared for emergencies and that district facilities are safe and secure.


When is Hays CISD auction 2021?

Hays CISD Maintenance and Operations Department is hosting an online public auction of district surplus items through Lemons Auctioneers on Monday, June 14 through Wednesday, June 23, 2021. An auction preview day is scheduled for Monday, June 21 at the Maintenance Department located at 155 Beacon Hill Rd., Buda, TX 78610 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - by appointment only. If you would like to schedule a preview appointment, please contact Cathy Williams at 512-268-8442, ext. 46106. Click headline above or "Read More" to access auction website.

Who is the principal of Wallace Middle School in 2021?

At the June 2, 2021, board meeting, the Hays Consolidated Independent School District (Hays CISD) Board of Trustees approved hiring longtime Hays CISD educator Joanne Lytle as the new principal for Wallace Middle School.

What is Hays CISD 2020-21?

Hays CISD is excited to introduce your 2020-21 TRS-ActiveCare health benefits through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX). This year’s plans feature enhanced coverage that’s easier to understand and use, broader access to providers and more cost-saving options for you and your family.

What is the Hays CISD number?

Benefit Call Center: (877) 258-5591 - M-F; 8AM-4PM CST. Website: www.mybenefitshub.com/hayscisd. Employee benefits are a major component of team member compensation packages. Hays CISD offers excellent medical and dental insurance, as well as a variety of other insurance products to ensure staff members are protected from unexpected life events. ...

What is Hays CISD?

Employee benefits are a major component of team member compensation packages. Hays CISD offers excellent medical and dental insurance, as well as a variety of other insurance products to ensure staff members are protected from unexpected life events. Hays CISD is also proud to offer staff members an employee assistance program.

How many hours do you have to work to be a TRS employee?

Active employees who are TRS members who are eligible for medical and supplemental benefits offered through the district. You must work 20 or more hours per week and be making retirement contributions to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas in order to be eligible for the district contribution towards health insurance.

What is BCBStx coverage?

This service allows you access to convenient, quality health care from home or on the go, without having to travel to a doctor’s office.

How to change PCP?

To change your PCP, call a Personal Health Guide (PHG), at 1-866-355-5999. PHGs are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tip: If your provider is part of a clinic group and you can’t locate the clinic on Provider Finder ®, try searching the individual provider.

What is RediMD medical?

RediMD provides quality primary care medical service with live, face-to-face diagnosis and treatment online or by phone. You can see or speak with a board-certified physician who can diagnose and recommend conservative treatment 24/7.

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