How much does Hobby Lobby pay seasonal employees?
This estimate is based upon 11 Hobby Lobby Seasonal Cashier salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a Seasonal Cashier at Hobby Lobby can expect to make an average annual salary of $23,040 .
What is the starting pay at Hobby Lobby?
The starting pay of many companies is resting at $15 while Hobby Lobby’s current wage was running at $17 for full-time workers. However, after a recent update of increasing the minimum wages for part-time workers, wherein their pay was raised to $13, a hike is being given also to the full-time workers.
What companies are affiliated with Hobby Lobby?
We are committed to:
- Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.
- Offering our customers exceptional selection and value.
- Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals, and nurture families.
Does Hobby Lobby accept tax exempt?
Hobby Lobby, which has 19 locations in Tennessee, claimed that some purchases were exempt from sales taxes, even though those purchases were made by personal checks rather than a check or credit card from the tax-exempt organization they were supposedly for.

Temporary Job that Keeps you busy
I worked for hobby lobby for about a year or so of summers in between college. Working for them was alright but it was tough. They kept me busy and there was a lot to do.
Official response from Hobby Lobby
Thank you for your honest feedback and taking the time to review our company. We value your feedback and look forward to improving in the future.
Fun environment, fun place, but a lot of long and hard work!
A typical day for me was cut and clean and help! I worked in the fabric department. I was always cutting fabric for customers and helping them with ideas and products.
Official response from Hobby Lobby
We are so happy to hear your positive feedback about Hobby Lobby! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review.
Sales Associate
The expectations to have the store ordered, stocked, recovered on a daily/nightly basis are way higher than reality would permit. The stores are typically under-staffed and managers set unrealistic goals.
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Diversity score
The Comparably Diversity Score tracks how positively diverse employees rate their experience at Hobby Lobby.