What is the phone number for Easterseals North Carolina?
Easterseals and its affiliate organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia 5171 Glenwood Ave. Suite 211 Raleigh, NC 27612 | (800) 662-7119 Easterseals and its affiliate organizations
Where is the Easterseals UCP in North Carolina?
Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia 5171 Glenwood Ave. Suite 211, Raleigh, NC 27612 | (800) 662-7119 Easterseals and its affiliate organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia 5171 Glenwood Ave. Suite 211 Raleigh, NC 27612 | (800) 662-7119 Easterseals and its affiliate organizations
Is Easterseals open or closed on February 18?
Easterseals RISE in Angola and Easterseals Passages in Columbia City will be closed Friday, February 18, due to winter weather. Easterseals is proud to serve northeast Indiana with locations in Fort Wayne, Columbia City, Angola and Auburn.
Why work at Easterseals UCP?
Easterseals provides exceptional services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people living with autism and other disabilities can live, learn, work and play in our communities. Login| Register| Need Help? Donate menusearch Who We Are About Us News Stories of Hope Leadership Partners Annual Reports Jobs at Easterseals UCP History

What's New At
The need is urgent. Half a million children and teens are in the foster care system nationwide. In North Carolina, more than 11,000 children live in foster care. Each year, Easterseals UCP (ESUCP) assists 270 foster care children in North Carolina. Become a foster parent today!
Spotlight On Our Programs
Through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Easterseals UCP helps families living with autism by addressing behaviors, daily living skills and communication in the home and community.
Our Locations
Easterseals is proud to serve northeast Indiana with locations in Fort Wayne, Columbia City, Angola and Auburn. While the offerings of each location may differ, all feature compassionate staff dedicated to serving each participant’s unique needs.
Our Impact
With support from Easterseals Arc staff, Ellish is learning social skills that help her succeed in the workplace.
Featured Events
Dancing with the Arc Stars features Easterseals Arc participants paired with volunteers from the community to compete for awards from our panel of judges and votes from the audience.
Latest News
The three Easterseals affiliates serving Indiana honored six state leaders as Outstanding Advocates for People with Disabilities as part of a Legislator Appreciation Lunch.