DFA Employee Information
This section is for employees who work in the Division of Finance and Administration. It is recommended to bookmark this page and regularly check back for news highlights and events.
This section is for employees who work in the Division of Finance and Administration. It is recommended to bookmark this page and regularly check back for news highlights and events.
ACE Available Services
Electronic W-2s are available to state employees and contract workers via ACE. Receipt of W-2s in ACE offers several advantages:
ACE System Requirements
Windows® Internet Explorer® Version 6.0 and higher is the supported web browser for accessing ACE.
What is DFA training?
Training: DFA conducts periodic training to educate and train employees with direct responsibility for supply chain management on the risks of slavery and human trafficking and ways to mitigate those risks specific to DFA’s supply chain.
What does DFA certification mean?
Certification: DFA requires that our direct suppliers confirm that the materials used in the products purchased by DFA comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking by including standard compliance terms in DFA’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase; DFA’s Vendor Quality Expectation Manual; and DFA’s Supplier Code of Conduct.