What is the division of developmental disabilities services?
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Services helps ensure Arkansans with developmental disabilities and delays get access to services to help them learn and thrive. Learn More About DDS
What is California Department of Developmental Services?
Welcome to DDS. The California Department of Developmental Services is the agency through which the State of California provides services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities.
Where do I Send my California Department of Developmental Services forms?
California Department of Developmental Services. 1600 9th Street. P. O. Box 944202. Sacramento, CA 94244-2020.
What is the phone number for Department of Developmental Services?
Department of Developmental Services 460 Capitol Avenue Hartford Connecticut 06106 Phone Number: 860-418-6000

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DDS has been an absolutely incredible to work with. Results are back within a timely manner, creating a more efficient workplace on our end. This means getting our consultants through the door on the day scheduled, creating a happy face on both ends! Their client support team is second to none! Thank you DDS!
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Did you Know?
DDS issues Voter IDs that can be used for voting purposes in Georgia. For more information, visit:
Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Services helps ensure Arkansans with developmental disabilities and delays get access to services to help them learn and thrive.
Melissa Stone
Director Stone oversees services and supports for clients with developmental disabilities and delays.