Why work at DCI?
DCI has full EDI capabilities to create and send 837s and receive back 835s. Approximately 80% of DCI’s employees come from the provider side or fiscal intermediary side of the industry.
How do I get a fob code for DCI?
The Provider must enter the fob codes into the OR PTC DCI web portal by the end of the pay period. To request a fob: Please speak with the consumer’s Case Manager. To download fob timesheets: Go to the Provider section of the Learning Materials page.
Where can I find out more about DCI?
Find out more by contacting one of our professionals at (480) 295-3307 or by requesting a sales demo today. DCI focuses on providers and Government Agencies in the Medicaid, Medicare, and Managed Care Markets.
What percentage of DCI employees are from the provider side?
Approximately 80% of DCI’s employees come from the provider side or fiscal intermediary side of the industry. Our Real-Time Authorization module allows you to see if your authorizations are being under or over utilized.

What is a DCI provider?
One provider means one invoice, one software system to learn, and one company to deal with. integration. All modules integrate with each other.
What is Direct Care Innovations?
At Direct Care Innovations (DCI), we offer an integrated business management platform that enables caregiving agencies to seamlessly run every aspect of their business. Find out more by contacting one of our professionals at (480) 295-3307 or by requesting a sales demo today.
Getting Started
Starting on Sept. 12, 2021, all Homecare Workers and Personal Care Attendants will enter their time into OR PTC DCI. Pay periods, pay rates, and payment processes are not affected by this change.
Join the Oregon Home Care Commission for Provider FAQ meetings
OHCC will be hosting PTC FAQ meetings though the end of January 2022. The goal of these meetings is to answer frequently asked questions and support HCWs and PCAs through the transition from paper vouchers to OR PTC DCI.
General Information
The Provider Time Capture (PTC) project is creating a solution that allows Homecare Workers (HCWs) and Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) to electronically capture their time worked in real time. This new solution will:
Acumen Fiscal Agent facilitates freedom, choice and opportunity through innovative fiscal agent solutions.
Participant Employers
We support training, continuous education, and professional development for our employees and participants.
Funding Partners
We support training, continuous education, and professional development for our employees and participants.