How many employees does Corpus Christi School District have?
With a workforce of approximately 6,200 full-time, Substitute and Temporary employees, Corpus Christi Independent School District is the second largest employer in the Corpus Christi area.
How do I contact CCISD's office of persons with disabilities?
The above login is for CCISD Employees only. If you are trying to login to see your student's grades and more, please click here Dawson Elementary School | 6821 Sanders | Corpus Christi | TX | 78413 | (361) 878-0140 Contact Us Location Required Notices Notice to Persons with Disabilities Administration 801 Leopard St.
What is the address for Corpus Christi ISD?
801 Leopard St. Corpus Christi Texas 78401 P: 361-695-7200| ccisd.us This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policyand Terms of Serviceapply. Copyright 2022 by Corpus Christi ISD
How do I get a CCISD employee ID badge?
Former employees have access to Employee Online for up to 18 months after leaving CCISD. After that former employees may submit the form at this link to Human Resources in person, or email to CCISDhr@ccisd.us Employees can email CCISDhr@ccisd.us or call 695-7250 to get information or to schedule an appointment to get an ID Badge.
Adult Education Survey
CCISD is partnering with Crossroads to offer GED, ESL and possibly other classes for our CCISD parent community. We are conducting a survey to determine what classes we should provide, as well as the most convenient sites.
2020-2021 Texas Academic Performance Report
The Corpus Christi ISD has recieved the TAPR report for the school year ending May 2021. To review a specific campus report, please use the Federal Report Card data link.
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is a portal provided to CCISD families to get student information online.
CCISD School Relief Fund Plan
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Department of Education has released three grants for which local education agencies can apply. These grants, known as ESSER I, II, & III, were authorized by the (CARES) Act; the Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act; & the American Rescue Plan.
How to contact uconfirm?
If your creditor requires proof of employment or income, refer them to uConfirm's web site where they will complete the verification process: 1 Direct them to www.uconfirm.com 2 Email: support@uconfirm.com 3 Phone: (404) 382-5400, option 2 4 Fax: (404) 829-1335
What is the fax number for uconfirm?
Fax: (404) 829-1335. This is a free service for employees - if you are charged by a verifier for uConfirm's service, please contact uConfirm. If a verifier refused to use uConrfirm, please contact uConfirm support for assistance.
CCISD Parent University
Parent University is a parent engagement program designed to prormote successful partnerships among parents, schools, and communities. Read the Parent University flyer to get more information.
Academic Performance Report
You are invited to attend a public hearing at 3:30 p.m., Monday, February 28, 2022, in the CCISD Board Room of the Administration Building, 801 Leopard Street. The Board of Trustees will review the 2020-2021 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR). For more information, please contact the Office of Assessment and Accountability at 361-844-0396.
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is a portal provided to CCISD families to get student information online.
CCISD School Relief Fund Plan
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Department of Education has released three grants for which local education agencies can apply. These grants, known as ESSER I, II, & III, were authorized by the (CARES) Act; the Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act; & the American Rescue Plan.
Click here to open Online Job Postings in a new window
Job announcements are updated every business day, and posted throughout the year. All jobs are advertised for a minimum of 10 working days and will show the date they were originally advertised. Some jobs have a closing date, some are advertised "Until Filled," and others are advertised as "Continuous" throughout the year.
Frequently Asked Questions
Job announcements are updated every business day, and posted throughout the calendar year. All jobs are advertised for a minimum of 10 working days and will show the "posting date" they were originally advertised. Some jobs have a closing date, some are advertised "Until Filled," and others are advertised as "Continuous" throughout the year.
Auxiliary Applicant Frequently Asked Questions
What are auxiliary jobs? Auxiliary employees support the District’s mission to develop the hearts and minds of our students by working in: