
atos employee portal

by Jordyn Huel Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Employee Experience central to Business Success

Employee Experience (EX) encompasses all the perceptions, emotions and interactions throughout employee’s connection to the organization.

Our Employee Experience Solution

Atos Employee Experience solution is built to collect, connect and analyze employee data safely to empower the workforce change.

Managing Change in the Future of Work

In collaboration with CIO WaterCooler we recently conducted a study about how CIOs and IT leaders are approaching challenges to the Future of Work. The results indicate that managing cultural change will be a significant feature of planning for future working environments.

Further reading

There is certainly a lot we can learn from the best practices of customer experience to improve how we deal with our workforce. In her blog, Hanna focuses on two crucial points, which companies will have to rethink to get ahead in the next phase of transformation – of which employees will sit at the heart.

What is accountant connect?

Designed by accountants, for accountants, Accountant Connect gives you super-fast access to client data, analytics and practice resources such as tax research tools and complimentary CPE so you have more time for advising, consulting and strategizing with your clients.

Can I access my W-2 online?

If your employer has provided you with online access, you can access your pay statements and W-2s at If you have not previously logge d in to the portal, you will need a registration code from your employer. Only your employer can provide you with this code.

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