About us
Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC (ACT) is a premier provider of domestic (USA) and near shore outsourced call center services to the financial services, mortgage, telecommunications, healthcare, cable and retail industries.
May 2022 bring health, happiness and joy to you and yours! Have a safe and Happy New Year!! #2022herewecome
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Salary estimated from 1.1K employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed.
Employees at Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC have reported receiving these benefits. They will vary by role and location.
Questions and answers
People have asked 142 questions about working at Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC. See the answers, explore popular topics and discover unique insights from Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC employees.
Interview insights
Insights from 285 Indeed users who have interviewed with Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC within the last 5 years.
What's being discussed at Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC?
Explore skills and training, pay raises and promotions and management and culture.
Easy to get away with things but very poor management
This place was cool for the 4-5 years I worked there. Got away with smoking on floor and outside plenty of times. Security is lazy af. Management feels like they are barley there. Only feedback you ever get is from supervisors and that’s maybe once a month. Emphasis on the MAYBE. If you do your work and meet stats then you’ll fly under the radar.
What's to hate? This company is phenomenal!!
What's to hate? This company is phenomenal and is an absolute LIFE SAVER!! Best for stay at home mamas!! I adore my job and helping people. I want to stay here forever! I started back in November and my manager makes me feel so important. My team is kind and caring as well!
This is likely the shortest job I'll ever have. I'm a loyal employee, but I couldn't stay here for 6 months. The expectations are through the roof. They claim to offer benefits and bonuses that only come to those that meet unrealistic requirements.
Exhausting in every sense of the word
don't get paid for system/equipment issues during your shift, constant stress from all the misinformation and 20 supervisors you'll get, no de-escalation training, no helpful SCA's, verbal abuse from customers and expectations to keep a smile on your face, expect us to do our job in a timely manner, but gives us 20 different things to do on a call.
Fun environment
If you work hard you will be rewarded. Go through training with a positive mindset and ask lots of questions to figure out what you need to be doing and you won’t have any problems
If you desire sense of purpose in your life DO NOT WORK HERE
ACT is the most pointless job I’ve ever had. Between the lowest levels and the highest levels of office management there is absolutely no communication. If you plan on learning anything during training you will be sorely let down, the training pipeline does not help you learn the different facets of your job whatsoever.
Stable work
This place isn't the greatest but definitely not the worse. It's not for everyone but it's a good reliable gig. If you perform well you get bonuses and the understand when things arise.
Advanced Call Center Technologies Overview
Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC (ACT) is a premier provider of domestic (USA) and near shore outsourced call center services to the financial services, mortgage, telecommunications, cable and retail industries. Our services include fraud prevention & detection, dispute ...
Customer Service Representative Interview
Interviews are done by phone now due to Covid-19. I interviewed with a recruiter in the office. Very basic interview. Have you ever done call center work before? Are you accustomed to using a desktop computer?
Advanced Call Center Technologies FAQ
All answers shown come directly from Advanced Call Center Technologies Reviews and are not edited or altered.
Which benefits does Advanced Call Center Technologies provide?
Current and former employees report that Advanced Call Center Technologies provides the following benefits. It may not be complete.
Work at Advanced Call Center Technologies? Share Your Experiences
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Work Remotely
In order to access files on the ACT computer network from an offsite location, team members must first receive access to Firepass. To do so, please submit a request to create a password through the Atos portal.
Access your email from anywhere using your active directory credentials. For example, John Smith would follow the link, and then enter smithj along with his password.
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