How many employees does Acme Fresh Market have?
“Acme Fresh Market's over 2,200 hardworking associates are proud to feed the families of our community.”
What is the Acme employee section on the website?
This section of our website is for active employees of The Acme Markets family of companies. The services listed below are intended for the exclusive use of authorized company employees and will prompt you to enter a secure user id and password.
Does Acme Fresh have bulk discounts?
Bulk Discounts Available! “Acme Fresh Market's over 2,200 hardworking associates are proud to feed the families of our community.”
How do I contact the service desk at Acme Markets?
If you are an authorized employee experiencing difficulty accessing these services and need assistance, call the Service Desk at 877.286.3200. Direct2HR is Acme Markets online automated HR service system.

Previous Employment
Please provide a complete and accurate history (full time and part time).
Conditions of Employment
The Fred W. Albrecht Grocery Company sets high standards for its accociates. Compliance with these standards is a condition of employment. You need to carefully consider what will be required before accepting a position with us. As an associate, you will be expected to comply in full. You need to know and understand that The Fred W.
I certify that the statements made on this application are true and complete and I understand that any false or misleading statements on my application or during my interview are grounds for dismissal. I voluntarily give the Fred W.
Equal Opportunity Employer Information
The Fred W. Albrecht Grocery Company is an equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse work force. To that end, we invite you to voluntarily provide responses to the following requests for information. Your answers - or your failure to answer - will not affect your chances for being offered employment.