Why choose accutrans Marine Services?
At AccuTRANS, we offer marine services with a focus on safety and responsive client service. Our team is dedicated to efficiency, communication, and constant professional growth. With offices in Mobile, New Orleans, Houston, Beaumont, and Corpus Christi, we offer an extensive array of marine management services.
What surfaces can accutrans be used on?
AccuTrans can be used on curved surfaces, and flat, horizontal or vertical planes. When used on vertical planes, a small amount of silicone is needed. This casting silicone can also be used on smooth or rough surfaces, human skin and blood evidence.
How does accutrans Auto Mix extruder gun work?
AccuTrans Auto Mix Extruder Gun eliminates manual mixing. The component mixing occurs inside the mixing tips as the polyvinylsiloxane is extruded from the Auto Mix gun. The impression is 1:1 and can be placed under a scanner or camera and searched in the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).

Is Accutrans Port Arthur a good place to work?
Accutrans is one of the better places in Port Arthur to work for as a Tankerman. The benefits are decent and they will also top off your pay within 3 years.
Is Accutrans a good company?
Accutrans is a good company to work for if you are wanting to be a shore tanker man. Fact remains that you don't want to work for anybody else for that matter when it comes to shore tanking