What's being discussed at accurate personnel?
Job history, Personal Experiences, what type of programs were used in previous jobs. What's being discussed at Accurate Personnel? Explore skills and training, pay raises and promotions and management and culture. Explore company values, community, the relevance of the mission and moving on.
When was accurate personnel founded?
The company originated in Chicagoland in 1978 and has grown with offices na Read More Is this data correct? Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) ranked Accurate Personnel as the 34th Largest Staffing firm in the U.S. in their recent report, Largest Industrial Staffing Firms in the United States: 2017 Update.
Can accurate personnel detect my location on indeed?
We were not able to detect your location. You can browse through all 172 jobs Accurate Personnel has to offer Salary estimated from 4.4K employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed. Rating is calculated based on 171 reviews and is evolving.
How many jobs accurate personnel has to offer?
You can browse through all 172 jobs Accurate Personnel has to offer Salary estimated from 4.4K employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed. Rating is calculated based on 171 reviews and is evolving.

We were not able to detect your location. You can browse through all 104 jobs Accurate Personnel has to offer
Salary estimated from 4.6K employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed.
Questions and answers
People have asked 36 questions about working at Accurate Personnel. See the answers, explore popular topics and discover unique insights from Accurate Personnel employees.
Interview insights
Insights from 44 Indeed users who have interviewed with Accurate Personnel within the last 5 years.
What's being discussed at Accurate Personnel?
Explore skills and training, pay raises and promotions and management and culture.
Formerly the CBES WebACE ® platform, AccurateAce takes the hassle and complexity out of screening.
AccurateNow is the fast, efficient self-serve background check solution.
Is the office a mess?
The office is always a mess they can’t seem to satisfy client needs nor employee needs. Employees don’t get paid correctly nor in a timely manner. The staff does not care about the temps. Their pay rates aren't great either. They don’t offer job security.
Does management support employees?
Management doesn't support their employees. There is no chance of advancement and if they can get away with it they will pay minimum wage. They don't take into consideration your experience.
Is accurate personnel helpful?
accurate personnel is really helpful and understanding with the shifts, hours, and locations and will work with you to find a nice stable job for you if you need help and willing to work accurate is the place for you.